Ranching has shaped California’s economy and culture for over 500 years. Domestic cattle first arrived with the Spanish missions in the 1700s, and herds reached 400,000 heads by 1834 under Mexican rule. Large “ranchos” driving the early leather and tallow trade inspired the establishment of many California ranches still operating today. Today, California Ranches maintains nearly 38 million acres of rangeland across private and public areas. Most California ranches are multi-generational family operations, proudly sustaining California’s ranching tradition. The diverse scenery and lifestyle among California ranches attract new generations of ranchers. The growing interest in locally sourced and grass-fed beef has enhanced the value of Cal Ranch properties.

As a leading firm in agricultural land, Land & Farms Realtor Inc. aids investors in acquiring properties with optimal rangeland access and  infrastructure for ranching operations. Our team ensures buyers maximize potential from California ranches through our expertise.